
Trans Voices Cabaret - NYC, Chicago, London

A NYC cabaret featuring transgender and nonbinary singers and performers. Led by Key Donnie Cianciotto (he/him).

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Trans Lab fellowship supports the creation of a critical mass of TGNC plays by TGNC writers. Led by Key Kit Yan (They/She/He).

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The Trans Dance Project

Creating accessible learning/training spaces for trans* and gender nonconforming dancers of all levels.

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The Starfruit Project

The Starfruit Project supports radical healing and brilliant growth through creative writing and performance programs that center queer and trans people of color. Led by Key Briyana D. Clarel (they/them).

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Theatre of the Oppressed NYC

Since 2012, Theatre of the Oppressed NYC has partnered with community members at local organizations to form theatre troupes. These troupes devise and perform plays based on their challenges confronting economic inequality, racism, and other social, health and human rights injustices. After each performance, actors and audiences engage in theatrical brainstorming — called Forum Theatre — with the aim of catalyzing creative change on the individual, community, and political levels.

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The Association of Mental Health Coordinators

a global network of entertainment and mental health professionals working to change the narrative about mental health in the entertainment arts featuring Key, Bridget McCarthy!

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The Art Garage

Non-Profit Theatre Company dedicated to the Transgender+ experience. Led by Key Kevin Paley (they/them/theirs).

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SORORITY is a hub for queer and feminist performance in Los Angeles. Founded and curated by Gina Young as the #SORORITYseries-- a late night k-hole for new short works by women, trans, nonbinary and queer creators-- SORORITY has grown to present new experimental plays and musicals written by queer women. Led by Key Gina Young (she/her).

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Creating equitable solutions through design. Led by Key Mykayla Fernandes (she/her/they/them/he/him).

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Moves Philly

A creative collective for queer and trans people of color in Philly.

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MeetCute: Matchmaking for theater people! We pair playwrights and directors together to make a short play. Every other month, we put up an evening of plays and hang out at the bar afterwards. Join us to build your theater community in Los Angeles, and who knows? Maybe you'll have your very own MeetCute. Led by Key Katie Lindsay (she/her).

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Leeway Foundation

The Leeway Foundation supports women and trans* artists and cultural producers working in communities at the intersection of art, culture, and social change. Through our grantmaking and other programs we promote artistic expression that amplifies the voices of those on the margins, promotes sustainable and healthy communities, and works in the service of movements for economic and social justice.

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Kat Griffin Photography

Lifestyle/Portrait/Production Photography with discounted prices for LGB/TGNC humans Led by Key Kat Griffin (they/she/he).

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Honest Accomplice Theatre

Honest Accomplice produces theatre and media for social change from the perspective of cis women and trans people. Led by Key Maggie Keenan-Bolger (she/her/hers).

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FEAST: A Performance Series

FEAST is a monthly series featuring artists from different performance-based disciplines who are developing new work. FEAST is a space for artists to test out raw material, for different artistic practices to inspire each other, and for the audience to be a part of the artists’ developmental process. Every FEAST is also an act of community-building, with snacks on stage during the show and an after party called Nightcap at a nearby bar. FEAST with us! Led by Key Alex Randrup (she/her).

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Broad Views on Broadway

An LGBTQIA and POC theatre company determined to create a healthier community and enriched artistry in theatre, led by Key Janelle Lawrence (They/Them/She/Her).

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Black Visions Collective

“a Black-led, Queer and Trans centering organization whose mission is to organize powerful, connected Black communities and dismantle systems of violence…through building strategic campaigns, investing in Black leadership, and engaging in cultural and narrative organizing.”

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A grassroots network and support group for self-defined Black/mixed race womxn actors of the African diaspora. Blacktress curates events, workshops, and projects.

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Black Trans Femmes in the Arts

A community-based arts non-profit that builds community and mobilizes resources to support Black trans femme artists.

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Barbara Kahn Coaching

Acting and playwriting coaching, led by Key Barbara Kahn (she/her).

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